The Knotts Company
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eBooks, Case Studies & Whitepages

MiR eBook


When you’re ready to automate material transport in your manufacturing facility, warehouse, or distribution center, you have multiple options. Those range from traditional forklifts and conveyors, to automated guided vehicles (AGVs), to today’s advanced autonomous mobile robots (AMRs).
Comparison guide to Material Transport & Logistics Options


Robotiq - Robotic Machine Tending - eBook cover

Learn about lean robotics, machine tending, how to design and integrate a robotic machine tending cell and much more. 
Robotiq eBook Download


OnRobot ebook Collaborative Applications_0-1

Collaborative automation has become a versatile, cost-effective, and user-friendly technology that allows businesses of almost any size (and any level of technical expertise) to increase productivity, improve quality, and respond more nimbly to changing customer demands.
How to Grow Your Business with Collaborative Automation by OnRobot

80/20 eBook


This brief how-to-guide will help you understand the basics of 80/20.  From how to pick out which extrusions you'll need to tips on assembling your project once you've received them.
80/20 eBook Download

IMI eBook

This eBook will help guide you through the beginning process of selecting the correct IMI cylinder for your application.
IMI eBook Download


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